Dec 8, 2011

Genetic Factors influence Addictiveness of Cigarettes

There might be a reason some people can quit smoking cold turkey, while others feel that the only place cold turkey belongs is on a sandwich. A recent study by the University of Colorado Boulder showed that genetic factors determine how difficult it can be to quit smoking. The study also said that these genetic factors are more influential now than in the past, but regardless, the genetics explain why some people just can’t quit. The study used adult identical twins who share an almost identical genetic structure, as compared with fraternal twins who do not. The study showed that adult identical twins are significantly more likely to quit smoking at the same time compared with fraternal twins.

Dec 7, 2011

Smoking Weed – Does Science Support Decriminalized Marijuana?

Few things are as controversial as the legalization of medical marijuana. Advocates claim it is safe and effective for treating a variety of health issues that may not respond well to conventional drugs. Opponents of decriminalized marijuana envision hordes of doped up druggies on the streets posing a danger to society and to themselves. Aside from individual opinions, what does the science say about medical marijuana? The Dangers of Marijuana There are quite a few studies warning of the dangers related to smoking marijuana. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), marijuana use can lead to anxiety, fear and panic. Because THC, the main active ingredient in marijuana, binds to receptors in the areas of the brain that regulate balance, coordination and reaction time.