Feb 1, 2012

Black Market Hits Cigarettes Sales

IRISH smokers purchased 4.3 billion cigarettes from companies in the tobacco industry last year, new figures show. However, the growth of the illicit trade in cigarettes was the primary reason why there were 200 million less cigarettes sold by the industry in Ireland in 2010. That is according to tobacco firm, PJ Carroll & Co, which maintained its 14.47% market share in the industry last year. According to the company’s accounts for 2010, total market volume in the industry declined by 4.7% from 4.5 billion cheapest Lucky Strike cigarette sticks in 2009 to 4.3 billion cigarette sticks last year. The company’s directors’ report states: "This decline was primarily due to the growth of illicit trade." The British-owned firm’s best known brands include Carrolls, Major and Rothmans and is part of the global tobacco giant, British American Tobacco.

Jan 31, 2012

The Future of Smoking Ban

Several senators in the Student Government Association spoke out against the possible future tobacco ban on campus Thursday night in the presence of University of Memphis President Shirley Raines and Vice President of Student Affairs Rosie Bingham. At the meeting, junior SGA senator Russell Born put forward a resolution that suggested The University of Memphis utilize designated smoking areas in places of low foot traffic on campus in lieu of the complete ban of tobacco. The resolution passed with an overwhelming majority. One senator in particular, sophomore Nick Mastron, was in favor of the measure. He gave a lengthy speech to the other senators before the vote.