Sep 15, 2009

Is Smoking Tobacco Cigarettes Interfering With Your Life And Driving You Crazy

People start smoking cigarettes, usually at an early age, and they never really realize what a can of worms they have opened until it is too late. They do not know what a difficult monkey this will be to ever get off their back. They are not aware at the time they start smoking cigarettes that it will feel like a shackle around their ankle for the rest of their life, a shackle that they may never be able to find the right key to remove it. 

Everyone has heard about how addictive and destructive to the health of a person that cigarettes can be, but you can never have a really clear understanding of exactly how bad it is unless you smoke and have become addicted yourself.

It might not seem to be such a burden or bother to smoke when you have only been doing it for a few years. There does come a time however, when smoking is no longer much of a pleasure at all. It turns into a habit that you can not easily find a way to break and one that can constantly interfere with your everyday life. It can become annoying when you open your eyes in the morning and the first thing you think about is lighting that first cigarette. When you run out at night, you might not even be able to sleep well because you know there will not be one waiting for you when you wake up. It might sound ridiculous, but this is the way this addiction works.

It can be even more annoying and uncomfortable for a smoke now that there have been so many bans placed on smoking in public places. You can no longer enjoy a cigarette after a meal in your favorite restaurant. You must wait until you get to your car or at home to smoke. So many people have developed an aversion to smoking cigarettes and the secondhand smoke they produce, you might even find it hard to have an active social life with people who do not smoke. It might be that some smokers can go for hours on end without smoking, but even those who have the willpower to do it usually do not like it.

You might be getting really tired of always wanting a cigarette. You might hesitate to go places or join in activities where smoking is prohibited. You might also be sick and tired of spending endless amounts of the cost of smoking cigarettes. Maybe you are annoyed at the way your home, your car, and even your body smells because of smoking. The fact is that smoking might really be getting on your nerves and it is a habit that you do not even enjoy anymore because of the guilt you feel about what you are slowly doing to your body, and that is far more important than what it smoking might be doing to your social life.

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