Oct 19, 2009

Bill McKewin: The outrageous tax on tobacco

So there's a proposal in the Wisconsin State Senate to raise the liquor tax 50 cents per liter.
Wow! That's a drop in the shot glass compared to the tobacco tax that amounts to more than the product itself is worth. Of course, we're well aware of all the problems tobacco causes. Just ask the police, especially the overnight shift, how many tobacco related calls they answer and how many vehicle crashes were due to someone smoking too many cigarettes.
It's common knowledge, family violence and divorce are directly linked to tobacco misuse. There's no question, nursing homes are full of 80- and 90-year-old smokers collecting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Scientific evidence suggests that tobacco, not vehicle emissions and coal fired industrial plants, are causing severe environmental damage.
Destroyed friendships, impaired thinking, poor job performance and even termination - yup, not alcohol, that's all on tobacco. Vandalism, burglary, rape and murder, in many cases, could be prevented if people weren't messed up on tobacco. And how many tax dollars go to rehab centers treating tobacco addiction?
BUTT - Bureaucrats for Universal Tobacco Taxation - recommends taxing tobacco users to the point of cessation because they can no longer afford the product. That will cause the pool of tobacco users to shrink and, in turn, will cause a shortfall in tax revenue, which will have to be made up by increasing the tax on those remaining users.
Eventually, because of financial hardship, the pool of tobacco users will be reduced to a single smoker who will be responsible for all the revenue. Of course, with only one smoker left on earth, the egregious problems caused by tobacco will have been all but eliminated and the complaints will be a barely audible squawk in the night - ingenious!

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