Nov 5, 2009

West City gets grant to reduce tobacco access by local youths

The village of West City has been chosen by the Illinois Liquor Control Commission to receive a grant in the amount of $1,100 to establish a comprehensive educational and enforcement program addressing minimum-age tobacco laws.
“We are pleased to receive this grant to enhance our efforts to reduce youth access to tobacco products. The health of the children in our community is very important,” Chief of Police Steve Mumbower said.
The commission, the state’s lead agency in developing strategies to reduce the illegal sale of tobacco products to minors, annually awards $1 million in grants to communities that are willing to implement its Tobacco Enforcement Program.
Participating communities are required to provide retail education to their retailers prior to implementing the enforcement component.
All tobacco retailers will receive the commission’s Tobacco Retailer Kit, which includes a review of state minimum-age tobacco laws, required signage and training guides for their personnel.
In addition, each tobacco retailer will receive three compliance checks.
Tobacco retailers within the entire program currently average over 90-percent compliance, and Illinois is ranked seventh nationwide in Synar tobacco retailer compliance rates.

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