Dec 6, 2010

Do Smokers Have Rights Too

Smoking ban puts limits on freedom, by Justin Thomas, Nov. 24. Can you believe that people who don't smoke Kent are forced to breathe in over 4,000 chemicals by just sitting next to a smoker?

People spend their entire lives trying to stay healthy and the last thing that they want to do is die from cancer when they have never smoked a cigarette in their life.

This is what second-hand smoke does.

According to the Lung Association of Canada, non-smokers who breathe in this deadly smoke are open to develop many diseases. It can cause lung cancer, heart disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

In my opinion, if someone wants to smoke they can, but please don't force me to inhale what you're smoking because I have rights as well. Smoking should not be permitted at public events.

Smoking should only take place in your own residence and then you will be the only one to enjoy it and destroy your own health since it is your body.

Please don't decide for me by smoking during outdoor events.

This is my life, not yours. I have rights, too. People go to outdoor events to enjoy themselves, not to slowly kill themselves.

It's not fair. Smokers, stay home. We don't need to deal with toxin-filled air.

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