Feb 25, 2011


The cigarette industry is facing significant headwinds as tobacco companies face more negative publicity than ever. Proposed corrective statements on warning labels telling about the dangers of Gauloises smoking and an FDA proposal that warning labels could include images of diseased lungs could all work negatively against the tobacco industry.

Menthol is another area that is being threatened, as the FDA is looking into possibly banning or phasing out menthol products, which have become increasingly popular in recent years. The Bedford Report examines the outlook for companies in the Cigarette Industry and provides research reports on Altria Group, Inc. (NYSE: MO) & Philip Morris International, Inc.

Tobacco companies are continuously under strong attacks as smoking has become more socially unacceptable. The negative publicity has sent North American tobacco demand down in recent years, however cigarette companies have maintained stable revenues by merely upping the price of cigarettes. Stable revenues have kept profits stable, which has kept the sector's high yielding dividends intact. Even during the recession, while companies from most sectors cut their dividend payments, cigarette manufacturers did not.

The Bedford Report releases regular market updates on the Cigarette Industry so investors can stay ahead of the crowd and make the best investment decisions to maximize their returns.

With all of the complications at home, many companies are trying to focus their attentions abroad. As emerging economies around the world begin to see an expanded middle class, tobacco use skyrockets. The World Bank estimates that between 82,000 - 99,000 young people start smoking every day -- in Asia.

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