Apr 18, 2011

Profit of Tobacco Companies

The second-largest tobacco company in the world, British American Tobacco (BAT), has reported an increase in its profits despite the hard times of financial crisis. The profits of the company elevated mainly because of its sales growth and increased sales in developing markets.

The West Indies Tobacco Company (WITCO) witnessed a 3% rise in its profits. Figures reveal that WITCO recorded a turnover of $942.5 million last year. The total income of the company grew 6% over 2009 which is mainly because of its improved sales performance.

The sale of tobacco companies has reported an increase despite the financial crisis across the world. People hardly had any money to manage their lifestyle. They cut down their expenditure in many areas but still they did not reduce their daily cigarette consumption.

BAT Chairman, Jan du Plessis said that their company has not experienced any decline in sales during the hardship. Instead, their profits rose by 14%.

Experts believe that cigarette smokers have become very common in most of the countries. Smoking Red & White can lead to many health complications including cancer so it has become essential to impose a ban on smoking.

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