Jun 3, 2011

Strictly Implement Anti-Smoking Law

Tina Velasco, spokesperson of the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA), announced that they would have a one-month full-blown campaign to remind the public of RA 9211 or the Anti-Smoking Law that has been enforced since 2003.

Velasco explained that for the whole month of June, their “Environmental enforcers would just inform the public of the strict implementation of the law, so the people would be forewarned. The collection of fines would commence in July of this year, however.” This includes those caught in the act by the MMDA in no-smoking areas; they are told that they would be fined when they are again caught.

There are specific areas where smoking Kiss is strictly prohibited: schools, public vehicles and their terminals,waiting areas, welding areas, gas stations, food preparation areas, elevators and stairways. Velasco reiterated that public vehicles, such as buses and jeepneys are considered public places, and citizens can remind the drivers and the conductors and even other passengers to stop from smoking.

“Buildings should have smoking and non-smoking signs; buses, taxis, and jeepneys, on the other hand, should have on their windows or inside of the vehicles, non-smoking signs, too,” Velasco added.

But this is not only a MMDA effort - in fact, Velasco claimed, various agencies such as the LTFRB, DOH, UP College of Law on Health and Policies, LGUs, and NGOs are helping them in all aspects of the implementation.

In July, when the anti-smoking law is fully enforced, there will be three from the
MMDA who will do the apprehension -- one to take the picture of the smoker, one to apprehend, and the third would do the ticketing. The rationale is this will discourage bribery or if they are found out, the three of them go to jail.
Velasco said that jeepney drivers and conductors better be careful, since LTFRB has the right to revoke their franchise when reported thrice.

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