Nov 21, 2011

Quit Smoking is a Complicated Process

Smoking cessation is a difficult process and many people do not want to give the habit up, one expert has stated. Ursula James, said a lot of people enjoy smoking and they are reluctant to stop, despite what friends and family want them to do. She stated that throughout her experience as a smoking cessation specialist, she has never met an individual who wanted to quit cigarettes or tobacco. "It is usually something else outside that encourages them to stop smoking, for example, wanting to get pregnant," she added. Ms James believes that it does not matter if further taxes are added to tobacco or how expensive the habit becomes because people will continue to smoke. The amount of people who smoke cheap Gauloises cigarettes in the UK has fallen since rates peaked at 82 per cent in 1948, states Ash. The latest figures from the charity show 21 per cent of UK adults still have the habit.

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