Jul 18, 2012

Victorian Smoking Rates

Cancer Council Victoria chief executive Todd Harper says tough tobacco reforms and advertising campaigns are responsible for the record low smoking rates highlighted in its latest research. The figures show the state's overall smoking rate has dropped below 15 per cent for the first time, and 70 per cent of Victorians aged 18-29 have never smoked. "We are very close to having a smoke-free generation amongst our young people," Mr Harper told reporters in Melbourne on Wednesday. According to the council's 2011 Smoking Prevalence and Consumption report, the message about the dangers of smoking is getting through to all socioeconomic and age groups. In a survey of 4500 people, the report found more than half of Victorian adults aged under 50 had never smoked, and that men continued to smoke slightly more commonly than women. Quit Victoria's executive director Fiona Sharkie said despite the progress, the organization would continue to "work ourselves out of a job" in a bid to see more Victorians butt out. Health Minister David Davis said the government was still considering a push by lobby groups to ban smoking in all outdoor dining and drinking areas, in pedestrian malls and near children's playgrounds. "We're certainly looking into the future on steps that will assist particularly children, where children are exposed to smoking ... and we'll be making some announcements in that area in the forthcoming period," he told reporters. Mr Davis ruled out a total ban on tobacco, saying it was not practical. Mother of three Cathy Lawrence, 68, who started smoking at 15 "thinking it was pretty cool", said it wasn't until she turned 52 that she resolved to quit cold turkey, when her three-year-old grandson asked her why grandma smoked but mum and dad didn't. "I see lots of young kids doing it and just wish I could talk to them. Give it up," she said.


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