Sep 19, 2012

Tobacco Smoking Banned on Campus, KU Tobacco Policy

The University of Kansas won't join a growing trend of banning all tobacco use. An advocacy group, Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights, says 562 college campuses banned all tobacco use as of July 1. The University of Missouri will implement a campuswide ban on tobacco on Jan. 1, 2014. The Lawrence Journal-World reports Kansas officials say the university won't follow the trend. Spokesman Tim Caboni says the university's medical campuses in Kansas City, Kan., and Wichita have banned all tobacco since 2006. On the Lawrence campus and the Edwards campus in Overland Park, smoking is not allowed in or near campus buildings. Smoking and tobacco is allowed in designated areas at Memorial Stadium and chewing tobacco is allowed in student housing. Caboni says the current policy works well.

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